Public Function forward_cr(ByVal cr_id As String, _
ByVal new_queue As String, _
ByVal forward_date As String, _
ByVal notes As String, _
ByVal user_name As String, _
ByVal gen_time_bombs As Boolean) As Integer
This API causes the specified change request to be reject-forwarded from one queue to another. The change request must be currently dispatched to a queue. The API allows for the setting of the forward date, some notes about the forward, and the user who forwarded the change request. The API can also generate a time bomb (for business rule notification).
Parameter Name Required? Description
cr_id Yes The change request Id to be reject-forward
new_queue Yes The queue to forward to
forward_date No When was the change request forwarded. If this parameter is left blank, the
CR is forwarded at the current time
notes No Optional notes about the reject-forward
user_name No The user who forwarded the change request. If left blank, the current user performs the forward
gen_time_bombs Yes Should a time_bomb be generated (for notifications/business rules)
Value Meaning
0 No errors
-1 Cannot find the specified change request
-2 Change request is not currently dispatched
-3 The new queue name specified is not found
-4 Reject-forward attempted to same queue as currently dispatched to
-5 The specified user is not found
-6 Cannot find gbst_elm rank 1100 for string FORWARD
-7 Not allowed to forward a CR to the specified queue
· Reject-forward change request number '10' to queue 'Hardware'. The reject-forward has no notes, is performed by the current user and is forwarded at the current time. Generate a time bomb.
Visual Basic:
Dim ret_int As Integer
ret_int = fccq.forward_cr("10", "Hardware", "", "", "", True)
var ret_int = fccq.forward_cr("10", "Hardware", "", "", "", true);
· Reject-forward change request number '2' at 10PM on November 23rd of 1997 to queue 'Software'. Forward should be logged as performed by ann, with notes of 'Some notes'. Don't generate a time bomb.
Visual Basic:
Dim ret_int As Integer
ret_int = fccq.forward_cr("2", "Software", "11/23/97 22:00:00", _
"Some notes", "ann", False)
var ret_int = fccq.forward_cr("2", "Software", "11/23/97 22:00:00",
"Some notes", "ann", false);